Please see the members with current outstanding fees up to last weekend. Please can you ensure all debts are cleared no later than Saturday 2nd September. If you have any queries please contact Alaric in the first instance or myself for escalation. Thank you for your prompt payment.
Payment can be made online to the following bank account, please include your name in the reference and advise us that you have paid:
Account name: Eastwood Cricket Club
Bank: HSBC
Sort Code: 40-02-44
Account number: 81125559
Member name
Billy Morrant
Stuart Coussins
Sean Worrall
Robert Egginton
James Drabble
Michael Stirrup
Ciaran Turner
Dave Boshell
Michael Leonard
Oliver Harp
Thomas Byford
Nadeswara Raviraj
Praghash Ganeshalingam
Simon Cooper
James Prigg
Archie Mathews
Ashley Long
Peter Bentley
Bill Lovatt
Dan Fullarton
Henry Morrant
Joel Squires
Phill Bartlett
Rhys Ruffell
Brett Deeming
Kevin Fillary
Michael Adams
Ryan Creasey