As we build up to the big awards ceremony on the 1st November, the time has come to choose the Player award winners from the wealth of talented players that that have played for Eastwood this year.
This year, members will be able to vote in four categories for the players that they feel made the biggest contributions. As a reminder, you can vote in the following categories:
1st XI Player 2019
2nd XI Player 2019
3rd XI Player 2019
Clubman of the year (this is a new award to honour those unsung heroes who maybe made a contribution in a non-playing way)
Voting is by text or WhatsApp to 07767 374 356, or by Email to You may vote for one person in as many or as few categories as you would like. Please send your votes to me before big day (1st November).
The winners will be announced on the night, along with other awards selected by the Captains and the Committee.