Eastwood Cricket Club News story

Minutes of AGM

14 Mar 2022

Annual General Meeting of Eastwood Cricket Club


Held 23/01/2022 @Belfair’s Sports & Social Club


Present: Committee: Messrs, Robinson K, Wade A, Lovatt B, Howe D, Bartlett R, Wade A, Bartlett P

 Palmer R, Patel N, Drabble J, Huckstepp S, C Hill, Mrs J Creasey.

Absent: B Deeming, G Barr.


C Turner, L Harp, T Clarke, M Stirrup, A Creasey, J Harris, L Heath, T Ward, O Harp, T Mauz, T Clarke, S Worrall, P Bailey, M Armitage, S Cooper,  J Mitchell


1: A welcome address was given by Bill .


2: Minutes of the AGM of 2021 – Approved by All present


3: Actions from last AGM

Sunday Cricket _ Not enough interest had been shown

Club Clothing – New Balance kit offered to all club members, did have to wait a bit for some of the items to be delivered and sizing was debateable, but kit take up was good, a few members owe the balance of payment, Rob and Alaric to confirm.

Electronic scoreboard – £1200.00 board has been purchased and a complete success

Gazebo – We borrowed Rams

Actions – Accepted

Accounts accepted


Officers report


Chairman’s Report

Thanks to everyone who has helped the club noting Alex, Michael and Andy, also Drabs for the bar. Our 2nd team won the league title, well done. Cricket week was a success thanks to Drabble and Killer. Financially we are in a good position, more from Alaric on that. Team selection yet again this season has been a problem. We need to elect new Captains this season for all teams.

Alaric Finance Report – We are in profit this season approx. £1,320.00, with Agran from the ECB for £1000.00, the Invoice for the pitches this season was lower than expected. We also banked £1,600.00 from the 100 club, thanks to Hucky.

Debts are at £1,400.00, not had all the match sheets and need to confirm who did pay online. Match sheets need to be collected on the day, or at least a photo taken of who has paid, so we have a clearer record. We have about £200.00 of clothing stock and a few members do owe for kit which has been delivered. Match fee will be kept the same £10.00 for adults/ £5.00 for U23/unwaged and youth.


Fixture Secretary – We had a full league this season, a couple of friendlies at the start of the season and a couple of 4th teams games.


Team Secretary Report – A good season with no teams short, we had at least 33 players available most weeks, a few injuries, but thanks to Rajiv and friends we managed to field teams each week. 3rds started the season with a 5 but ended with a stable 11. Selection will be made on talent in future with the 1st team having the 1st selection ensuring all players are playing in the correct team, Teams will be picked on ability to ensure all players are playing to the best potential going forward. Availability must be updated at the start of the week to ensure team selection is correct.


Captains Reports –


1st Team – availability faded out after a good start to the season and the team had a lot of 2nd team players having to step up during the season which made games difficult and frustrating, Brett had decided to step down as Captain after this season.


2nd Team – A good season which saw the 2nd’s winning the league, Luke has turned into a good wicket keeper, and noted Bill had to open the bowling. Timekeeping was an issue and we had low sporting points awarded. Phil has also decided to step down as Captain this season.


3rd Team – A strange season with only 8 teams in the league, and friendlies having to fill the gaps on the weeks no games scheduled, seemed like a very disjointed season, from the sublime to the ridiculous. Talston got a 120 which was a good achievement, won 5 games, and lost some by only 1 to 2 wickets could have had a better bating line up. Rob also standing down as Captain this season.


Election of 2022 Committee

Chairman – Dave Howe 

President/Honorary – Kevin Robinson

Secretary – Bill Lovatt

Team Secretary – Kevin Robinson

Treasurer – Alaric Wade

Fixture Secretary - Alaric Wade

Kit Man – Rob Palmer


All above happy to stand again and all nominated and seconded by the floor.


Social Media - Rob Palmer nominated – all hands shown.


1st Team Captain – Greg Barr… nominated Cameron Hill/M Stirrup seconded

Vice – Ciaran Turner – all agreed

Note of thanks to Brett Deeming by all


2nd Team Captain – Steve Huckstepp    Nominated Alaric Wade/all seconded

Vice – Luke Harp – all agreed

Note of thanks to Phil we will miss your match reports/speeches Bartlett by all


3rd Team Captain – Tim …… Nominated Rob Palmer/all seconded

Vice – James Drabble – all agreed

Note of thanks to Rob by all.


Evening League Captain – Ciaron Turner – Private Ballot

Vice – Mike Stirrup

Note of thanks to Kevin by all



Selection policy to be noted, 1st team will have the pick of the players who are available with selection meetings on a Monday, and the balance of players will be filtered down. Club want all players to enjoy their cricket and not feel they are playing above/below their own standard. All players need to feel welcome but must also be willing to split up when selection is made on ability. Captains need to be more welcoming and not only 1st team training sessions, but all standards are also welcome. Monday nights are club nights, during the winter months at SHSB, and during the spring/summer months at Belfair’s weather dependant.


Payment machines to be investigated again, these were checked out before the Covid pandemic, but the cost outweighed the benefit, and most players should pay by cash, or online when they arrive home. Once the team sheets are collected each member should be chased via email to ensure they know they owe subs, this will hopefully keep the club on top of the debts!!. Noted the costs of the apps may have reduced.


Allstars 5 – 8-year-olds, we have been able to field a team this season which has been a good success, Kevin continues to need volunteers to help and keep p the Children engaged. MS/DH/AW anyone wishing to help please speak with Kevin.


Sportsmanship marks have been a problem again this season, what is the criteria that governs these marks? Unfortunately, this is a guarded secret within the league, and we are unable to find out. Going forward it has been agreed the captains should continue to try engaging with the opposing team, welcoming them on arrival, offering drinks during and at the end of the game in the bar wherever possible. Lack of changing facilities may have an impact, (would a new gazebo help). Team to make a good effort with the opposition.


Outfield and length of grass – Dave to speak with Graham Owen again, we were supposed to have the ground fertilised at the end of the Football season, non-existent growing meant the outfield was left longer to ensure growth, no good for the cricket, but good for the football season. Can the wickets be roped off after the grass is cut and the wicket prepared?


Lee to investigate the cost of a water soaker. Noted he has a supply of cricket gear.


Fantasy league – Drabble to continue again this year.