Hi all, we have a few events coming up in the run up to
Sunday 22nd November – AGM. Clubhouse 7pm for a
730pm start. A full invite and notice will follow. As a club we need more volunteers.
If you would like to help, please let Kevin or me know.
Friday 27th November – Presentation Evening at
the clubhouse. Free for members and £3 for guests. Live band “Elmwood Boys”. Guest
ales and food. 730 for 8pm start.
Saturday 12th December – Christmas Curry at The
Shagor Hamlet Ct Road. Nigel is back from the Big Apple and wants a poppadum. I
am aiming to book the table for 8pm and hopefully will be a bit quicker service
than the curry house last year! Please let me know if you want to come.
See you soon