Morning all.
Amazing turn out this weekend to put out 55 players... wins for 1s, 3s and 5s over the 4s... Armitage smiling like a Cheshire cat in bar afterwards!! Reminder please update your avaliable ASAP for future fixtures on HITS website.
Round up of weekend fixtures by Brian Jeeves can be found here
And big shout out to the Evening League team for chasing down 176 against the very strong Alleyn Court last week. Brett Deeming and Luke Harp doing a lot of the damage but incredible team effort. Their next match is tonight v Rankins.
Others plugs / chasers.
100 Club - the club's monthly lottery and allows the club to invest in equipment such as scoreboards, the net and we are looking at new sight screens. Anyone interested in joining please contact the Committee or visit website. Full page explaining everything can be found here
Steph, who runs the bar, is now doing rolls for £2.50 on match days if anyone forgets their lunch or can't be bothered to make their own. She is trying to cater for all dietary requirements. Any requests please let me know and I can ask Steph accordingly if she can accommodate.
Senior nets will take place on Monday's at Belfairs from 19:00. If you need to check this, or anything changes, Kevin Robinson will be point of contact/share any changes via the WhatsApp Info group.
Final thing. Debts building up nicely already. Please if you have your annual subscription still to pay (£30) and any match fees you may have forgotten please do so ASAP. This saves a lot of time for the Committee.